slimy worlds
Our Mission Our Work

at the interface, where microbes interlace...


Lured by the ecological advantages found on surfaces, microbial life has managed to adapt for millions of years, resisting environmental stresses, promoting cell to cell communication and interactions. The majority of microorganisms found in the environment are most likely found in the form of biofilms: a tridimensional micro-ecosystem composed of aggregated cells attached on either a living or non living surface and immobilized by a self-produced matrix of extracellular polymeric substance (EPS).

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The Department of Biotechnology and Food Engineering at GTIIT owns state of the art facilities for conducting biofilm research and other microbial ecology studies.

LogoMakr(16)We are seeking "biofilm" enthusiasts and motivated Research Assistants and Post-Graduates to join our team. Experience or backgrounds in applied or environmental microbiology, microbial ecology, microscopy, molecular biology would be an asset. Interested applicants should send their CV with a description of previous research experience and research interests to Dr. Habimana Olivier.

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